British War Veterans of America
British War Veterans of America
British War Veterans of America
British War Veterans of America

      British War Veterans

The British War Veterans of America was formed in 1919 by a group of men who had returned, or who had emigrated, to New York after having served with the armed forces, with the idea of providing opportunity to continue and foster friendships made under wartime conditions.

At first their contacts were purely social, but gradually, it became apparent that the less fortunate looked to the more fortunate for a helping hand in a new country. This had been, and still is, extended, as far as funds allow, in a way of assisting with hospitalization, finding of positions, the claiming of pensions and general rehabilitations.

While these services are not restricted to those who become members of the Organization, there is one privilege reserved to members, the right to purchase a grave and to be buried in the British War Veterans plot at Ferncliff Cemetery, Hartsdale, New York and to have our own Colour Guard participate in the final ceremonies. A Memorial Service is held annually at Ferncliff Cemetery on the Sunday preceding November 11th to honour those who rest there in peace.

Our activities, besides being philanthropic, are also social, enabling veterans and their friends to come together on an informal basis. Everyone who supports our Social Evenings is aiding some less fortunate ex-serviceman or woman, whether a member of our organization or not, and their children.

If you know of a former soldier, sailor or Air Force man/woman who has fought under the Commonweatlth flag, bring him along and find old and new friends in the companionship of the British War Veterans of America, Inc.


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